Estate Planning & Probate Attorneys
Phoenix AZ Metro and Minneapolis Metro Area

If I Create an Irrevocable Trust, Can I Change it?

May 30, 2021

Clients regularly ask what the difference is between a revocable and an irrevocable trust. By defini...

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How to Keep your Family out of Probate Court in Minnesota

May 08, 2021

I’ve written about it in past articles so you are fully aware of the hurdles faced when presented ...

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Guide to Naming Guardians for Parents of Minor Children

Apr 10, 2021

What many parents don’t realize is that if something happens to them preventing them from caring f...

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Pitfalls of Assigning an Immediate Power of Attorney

Mar 03, 2021

A tough lesson for this lady. I would further mention that clients often ask me if they should name ...

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Risky Business That Has Nothing To Do With Tom Cruise

Mar 02, 2021

When Assets Pass to your Spouse Without an Estate Plan I’m often asked what happens when you (a M...

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I’m So Broke I don’t Even Have an Estate to Plan!

Feb 05, 2021

Surely you know the importance of naming temporary and permanent guardians and giving them the legal...

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Supplemental Needs & Special Needs Trusts

Aug 07, 2020

Not infrequently, clients inquire about situations that present special needs planning scenarios. ...

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How to Pass Intangible Wealth Through Estate Planning

Aug 07, 2020

In this brief article, I’ll discuss passing intangible assets through Estate Planning. In addit...

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Imagine if everything you thought you knew was wrong

Jan 17, 2020

Imagine if you learned that everything you’d done with the intention of protecting your family cou...

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